Learning Algorithms

I have started the MIT's video course 6.046J / 18.410J Introduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503). Saw the first lecture then realized that I don't know enough Math to go ahead. So I have started reading Discrete Mathematics for Computing. I really want to learn programming. In the lecture the Prof. Charles Leiserson made a joke :
If you want to be a good program, you just program ever day for two years, you will be an excellent programmer. If you want to be a world-class programmer, you can program every day for ten years, or you can program every day for two years and take an algorithms class.

I don't know how true is this statement but I want to learn more about computers.
I want to program more intelligently. I don't know where to find more stuff about Discrete Maths, or how to go about learning it. My math was not too good, I only liked geometry and in engineering also my favourite subjects were Engg Drawing, Machine Drawing and C Programming. The engineering teacher only taught us till arrays, in C programming. I have tried many times to learning about pointers, link-lists and other advanced topics but always got confused.
